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Showing posts from September, 2016

Pacha Soap, “Dirty Hippies” with a Heartfelt Message

Often times when an entrepreneur starts a business, one of the first things that must happen is the person has to sell himself . Just one look through the amazing website for Pacha Soap was, well, it was as they say, “You had me at hello.” What’s not to love about a company that was founded on the simple and heartfelt purpose to help people stay healthy and create jobs in some of the most hopeless places on the planet? I promise it will make you smile, too. Check it out at . Pacha, by the way, rhymes with “cha-cha”, and means earth in Quechua, one of the native languages of Peru. (Peru? Stay tuned, I’ll explain.) My job as the story catcher for GROW Nebraska is both inspiring and gratifying because I get to talk to great people like Andrew and Abi Vrbas who founded Pacha Soap in Hastings, Nebraska . You can read all about them on their website but the part I take delight in discovering is that little bit more of the story behind the story. Andrew grew up in...