15 years ago, when Bhavesh Shah was tasked with finding the best popcorn in the world for the Sathyam Theatre in Chennai, India, he had no idea that he'd soon be on a flight to Nebraska in the middle of winter. Preferred Popcorn in Chapman, Nebraska (a member of GROW Nebraska since 2007) showed Shah around their cooperative farming organization, and soon, Shah was convinced that Preferred Popcorn fit the bill. Since that day 15 years ago, Preferred Popcorn has been providing the popcorn that has become a staple in Sathyam Theatre's famous flavor-it-yourself popcorn. The high-yield, large kernels make the best theatre popcorn around. The personal touch makes it all the better. “What I love about working with them is how it’s not become a corporate set up. It has remained farmer-run where the CEO is himself on the tractor during planting season," said Shah. Want the full story from Sathyam Theatre? Read More Here! Do you want to try "The Best Popc...
Welcome to the BuyNebraska.com Blog! The GROW Nebraska® Foundation was founded with the idea of expanding resources to businesses and entrepreneurs alike to make a sustainable living anywhere within the state of Nebraska. As a 501(c) 3 educational foundation, the GROW Nebraska® Foundation was founded in 1998 and now works to extend resources, training, a brick-and-mortar store, as well as an eCommerce site full of Nebraska products to help elevate Nebraska-based businesses.